Friday, September 17, 2010

Birthday Introduction

I have been wondering what to do with this blog...where it should go, what is its purpose. So, while praying about I noticed things getting stuck in my head...sayings, songs, movie name it. All of these things have had an impact on my life, so for starters, I thought I might share what impacts me. 
Its been awhile since I really updated an "about me" on how about we catch up...get to know each other again? 1...2...3...go...
I am Amy. (in case you missed that one, LOL) I have five children. My youngest is 5 months old. I am, needless to say, very busy. 

I am also a bit of a nut...I would say nerd, but my 14year old would say I am not the typical nerd..."closet nerd" if you will. The kids tell me to turn the music down, I play World of Warcraft, and will watch Lord of the Rings anytime. Yes, I will even recite the words along with the dream home would be a combination of a hobbit hole and something Rivendalish...(yeah...nerd, nut...whatever.) 
I also have a very beaten up Anakin Skywalker keychain (anyone near a Lego store wanna pick me up a new one?) 
I have a heart for kids like I was...lost and hurting. In many ways I still feel like that young girl...only not so lost. I am 37 as of 6:05 this evening. I can't believe I haven't been 17 for 20 years. How is that possible? 
I love, love, love what God has done in my life. I have been broken, healed, broken and healed again...and again. I have been blessed and everyday is a better day than I deserve. 
Right now we, as a family are learning to live debt free!! Yay for Dave Ramsey!! I am (trying) to kick the Starbucks addiction...and as always and wanting to eat better than we do. I am a bit of a nutrition nut, although we don't always do what I know is best...ugh...that gets me...guilts me, even. 
Clay and I have been married going on 17 years. Yes, that means by the time I am 40 I will have been married half my life!! How awesome is that??!!?? 

Now, I think I may be starting to ramble, which I have a habit of doing. 
I would like to use this blog as a way to express whatever it is I am feeling at a particular time. There may be times where I work out my frustrations here, times when I vent about how I feel about what is happening politically in our country. I may share the good, bad and ugly of raising children...yup poop stories included. =) I often will share how and what influences me, my life and my walk with my Jesus. I am a strong believer that iron sharpens, if your willing, come walk this road with me, I invite you to share in the emotions of my life...the joy, the pain, the triumphs and failures. 
Be blessed today!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday dear Ammmmyyyy...

And yes, I'd love to follow your blog. It will prove to be most interesting!
