Friday, November 5, 2010

It's a GOD Thing!

So, obviously, I am  having a hard time finding time to sit down and blog...I have wanted to make this lil bit of my life visually pleasing and interesting...but alas, time is in short supply...but this, I had to share!
~Clay and I have been saving and praying for a new bed for some time. Savings grow slowly with 5 children...especially when you you are trying to become debt free
~A couple of days ago, I received a check from a company that we over paid. (it was from the anathesiologist from having Clarissa. Insurance finally paid! 
~Yesterday I got a call from a friend who knew of our bed situation. (Our bed is almost 20 years old...and is literally painful to sleep on-too many monkeys jumpin on it) 
"I have a friend who just called me and said that Holiday Inn is selling their beds. She just got a nice one for $10" 
I was in Safeway, mind you...immediately left..prayed that I had enough gas to get there, and headed straight for the Holiday Inn...sure enough!!
Long story, short...I now have a KING SIZE bed and box spring...that I slept on last night...for $10. (the sheets we had to go buy cost more!!!) 
Don't ever let anyone tell you that God does not provide. Just keep doing what he asks you to do..and be faithful! 
Oh...the check that I received in the know...that refund...was for $10! 

God Bless~

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