So, it seems everytime I strive to keep this little thing up to date... I get busy. I suppose it's not too hard to understand. 5 kids...and now with the certainty of homeschooling next's bound to get busier...But I do, very much like the idea of what am I to do?
Well, I fell off the raw food wagon. I know I need to get back on. I have noticed a difference in how I feel...and how I look. I have only gained back 2-3 pounds eating the SAD (standard american diet) but I feel ... awful. First and foremost, the pain of endometriosis has returned. NOT FUN!!
I did get a new juicer in December...its almost dead I won't bother to mention too much about it. I do need a REAL one. I am looking at a Champion. My dehydrator is also about gone. It seems it takes so long to dehydrate some things, they actually spoil in the dehydration process. YUCK.
Clarissa is now a year old. The year has gone by so quickly, its hard to comprehend. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being at home with her. I am blessed to be able to stay home. I thank God everyday for the ability to make it work. She is really starting to talk ...and walk for that matter. She cruises the furniture like a pro. Technically, I think she can take steps...she is just a little too timid to let go. I don't mind. The longer she wants to hold my hand, the better in my opinion. She is a good eater, and I have not yet found it in me to give her milk. She is still nursing and she loves apple, zucchini and cucumber slices. I have found some wonderfully yummy organic whole milk yogurt that she loves mixed with oatmeal.
The kids are growing like weeds. Cody is now taller than Chloe. (We knew it was only a matter of time) And Cean is quickly catching up to Cait (he is almost 3 years her junior)
I am looking forward to having all the children home. I believe we have been called to homeschool. I have been praying for it for a number of years, and feel blessed to have be able to actually do it. Don't get me wrong. I know it will be tough...but, with my eyes on the Lord... it will all be worthwhile. We will be going through Umpqua Valley Christian for our homeschool. They keep records and provide grading and curriculum materials. We will be supplementing what get from them with Saxon Math and some spectrum language arts work books. Friday's will be science experiment let me know if you have some creative experiments that work for multiple ages.
I didn't post any pictures in this post...mostly because everything new is on my facebook, and with my phone dead...I have missed many an opportunity to take pictures. =( Hopefully I will get a new one soon!
I know this has been a ramble...I suppose I am just catching up. I will do my best to keep these coming so that I might actually share more of what God has been doing in our lives.
... I suppose I shall never forget to
Rock THE Life...
<3 A
Monday, April 25, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
What am I eating?
I am undergoing a change...for the better. I am trying to incorporate more raw foods into my diet. My goal is to spend most days eating 100% raw foods with the occasional cooked meal. So far I am about 80-90% on any given day.
My body has gone through part of a cleansing...I know there is a deeper cleanse underway. With that cleanse I have lost 10lbs since Christmas. The biggest change I think would be how I feel...and my energy level. WOW!
So...I thought, since I have people asking, I would share with you what I am eating. I will do this as I go...(this is me trying to commit to sitting down and blogging..haha)
First off, I should direct you to what I am reading. I have been reading anything I can get my hands on by David Wolfe. I do not agree with some of his philosophies, but he has good science to back up his nutrition information. I am also reading some older information from Hallelujah Acres. I find nutrition books to be like parenting books... you take the good and what works for you, and toss what is either inapplicable or something that you fundamentally disagree with.
(Raw ingredients will be green)
Ok... Breakfast today:
I cooked some oat groats (steel cut oats, scottish oats...whatever)
added some soaked and barely sprouted buckwheat goats (when its soaked its very soft)
maple syrup to sweeten
Garden of Life (my favorite brand of supplements) Superseed (beyond fiber)
Goji Berries
Maca (great for hormone balancing and ok for breastfeeding moms)
Coconut butter (not only for the healthy fat that encourages a healthy metabolism but it also helps my body take in more nutrients from the Superseed (chia and flax seeds among other things)
I think thats it. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but though the years of learning to eat better these are all things I have readily available in my kitchen, so I literally threw it all in a bowl, stirred it up...and here I sit..eating something wonderfully good for me...and tasty too!
If you dare to give this a try... let me know what you think!
<3 A
My body has gone through part of a cleansing...I know there is a deeper cleanse underway. With that cleanse I have lost 10lbs since Christmas. The biggest change I think would be how I feel...and my energy level. WOW!
So...I thought, since I have people asking, I would share with you what I am eating. I will do this as I go...(this is me trying to commit to sitting down and blogging..haha)
First off, I should direct you to what I am reading. I have been reading anything I can get my hands on by David Wolfe. I do not agree with some of his philosophies, but he has good science to back up his nutrition information. I am also reading some older information from Hallelujah Acres. I find nutrition books to be like parenting books... you take the good and what works for you, and toss what is either inapplicable or something that you fundamentally disagree with.
(Raw ingredients will be green)
Ok... Breakfast today:
I cooked some oat groats (steel cut oats, scottish oats...whatever)
added some soaked and barely sprouted buckwheat goats (when its soaked its very soft)
maple syrup to sweeten
Garden of Life (my favorite brand of supplements) Superseed (beyond fiber)
Goji Berries
Maca (great for hormone balancing and ok for breastfeeding moms)
Coconut butter (not only for the healthy fat that encourages a healthy metabolism but it also helps my body take in more nutrients from the Superseed (chia and flax seeds among other things)
I think thats it. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but though the years of learning to eat better these are all things I have readily available in my kitchen, so I literally threw it all in a bowl, stirred it up...and here I sit..eating something wonderfully good for me...and tasty too!
If you dare to give this a try... let me know what you think!
<3 A
Friday, November 5, 2010
It's a GOD Thing!
So, obviously, I am having a hard time finding time to sit down and blog...I have wanted to make this lil bit of my life visually pleasing and interesting...but alas, time is in short supply...but this, I had to share!
~Clay and I have been saving and praying for a new bed for some time. Savings grow slowly with 5 children...especially when you you are trying to become debt free.
~A couple of days ago, I received a check from a company that we over paid. (it was from the anathesiologist from having Clarissa. Insurance finally paid!
~Yesterday I got a call from a friend who knew of our bed situation. (Our bed is almost 20 years old...and is literally painful to sleep on-too many monkeys jumpin on it)
"I have a friend who just called me and said that Holiday Inn is selling their beds. She just got a nice one for $10"
Long story, short...I now have a KING SIZE bed and box spring...that I slept on last night...for $10. (the sheets we had to go buy cost more!!!)
Don't ever let anyone tell you that God does not provide. Just keep doing what he asks you to do..and be faithful!
Oh...the check that I received in the know...that refund...was for $10!
God Bless~
~Clay and I have been saving and praying for a new bed for some time. Savings grow slowly with 5 children...especially when you you are trying to become debt free.
~A couple of days ago, I received a check from a company that we over paid. (it was from the anathesiologist from having Clarissa. Insurance finally paid!
~Yesterday I got a call from a friend who knew of our bed situation. (Our bed is almost 20 years old...and is literally painful to sleep on-too many monkeys jumpin on it)
"I have a friend who just called me and said that Holiday Inn is selling their beds. She just got a nice one for $10"
I was in Safeway, mind you...immediately left..prayed that I had enough gas to get there, and headed straight for the Holiday Inn...sure enough!!Long story, short...I now have a KING SIZE bed and box spring...that I slept on last night...for $10. (the sheets we had to go buy cost more!!!)
Don't ever let anyone tell you that God does not provide. Just keep doing what he asks you to do..and be faithful!
Oh...the check that I received in the know...that refund...was for $10!
God Bless~
Friday, September 17, 2010
Birthday Introduction
I have been wondering what to do with this blog...where it should go, what is its purpose. So, while praying about I noticed things getting stuck in my head...sayings, songs, movie name it. All of these things have had an impact on my life, so for starters, I thought I might share what impacts me.
Its been awhile since I really updated an "about me" on how about we catch up...get to know each other again? 1...2...3...go...
I am Amy. (in case you missed that one, LOL) I have five children. My youngest is 5 months old. I am, needless to say, very busy.
I am also a bit of a nut...I would say nerd, but my 14year old would say I am not the typical nerd..."closet nerd" if you will. The kids tell me to turn the music down, I play World of Warcraft, and will watch Lord of the Rings anytime. Yes, I will even recite the words along with the dream home would be a combination of a hobbit hole and something Rivendalish...(yeah...nerd, nut...whatever.)
I also have a very beaten up Anakin Skywalker keychain (anyone near a Lego store wanna pick me up a new one?)
I have a heart for kids like I was...lost and hurting. In many ways I still feel like that young girl...only not so lost. I am 37 as of 6:05 this evening. I can't believe I haven't been 17 for 20 years. How is that possible?
I love, love, love what God has done in my life. I have been broken, healed, broken and healed again...and again. I have been blessed and everyday is a better day than I deserve.
Right now we, as a family are learning to live debt free!! Yay for Dave Ramsey!! I am (trying) to kick the Starbucks addiction...and as always and wanting to eat better than we do. I am a bit of a nutrition nut, although we don't always do what I know is best...ugh...that gets me...guilts me, even.
Clay and I have been married going on 17 years. Yes, that means by the time I am 40 I will have been married half my life!! How awesome is that??!!??
Its been awhile since I really updated an "about me" on how about we catch up...get to know each other again? 1...2...3...go...
I am Amy. (in case you missed that one, LOL) I have five children. My youngest is 5 months old. I am, needless to say, very busy.
I am also a bit of a nut...I would say nerd, but my 14year old would say I am not the typical nerd..."closet nerd" if you will. The kids tell me to turn the music down, I play World of Warcraft, and will watch Lord of the Rings anytime. Yes, I will even recite the words along with the dream home would be a combination of a hobbit hole and something Rivendalish...(yeah...nerd, nut...whatever.)
I also have a very beaten up Anakin Skywalker keychain (anyone near a Lego store wanna pick me up a new one?)
I have a heart for kids like I was...lost and hurting. In many ways I still feel like that young girl...only not so lost. I am 37 as of 6:05 this evening. I can't believe I haven't been 17 for 20 years. How is that possible?
I love, love, love what God has done in my life. I have been broken, healed, broken and healed again...and again. I have been blessed and everyday is a better day than I deserve.
Right now we, as a family are learning to live debt free!! Yay for Dave Ramsey!! I am (trying) to kick the Starbucks addiction...and as always and wanting to eat better than we do. I am a bit of a nutrition nut, although we don't always do what I know is best...ugh...that gets me...guilts me, even.
Clay and I have been married going on 17 years. Yes, that means by the time I am 40 I will have been married half my life!! How awesome is that??!!??
Now, I think I may be starting to ramble, which I have a habit of doing.
I would like to use this blog as a way to express whatever it is I am feeling at a particular time. There may be times where I work out my frustrations here, times when I vent about how I feel about what is happening politically in our country. I may share the good, bad and ugly of raising children...yup poop stories included. =) I often will share how and what influences me, my life and my walk with my Jesus. I am a strong believer that iron sharpens, if your willing, come walk this road with me, I invite you to share in the emotions of my life...the joy, the pain, the triumphs and failures.
Be blessed today!!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Deliberate Kids 2
First off...let me say...I am receiving no compensation for this blog.
I have personally been a fan of Phil Joel for years. His work with the Newsboys was one of my first experiences with Christian music. I have enjoyed each of his solo albums. We have met Phil on a number of occasions. The first when my Cait was three. It was the Newsboys Adoration Tour. Cait was adorable. Since we are Newsboys fans and have seen videos, she was familiar with Phil...The result of that familiarity was a very loud "I LIKE YOU!"
We met him again with the Newssboys in Eugene oregon a few years later, and my daughter Chloe and I were privileged to meet him once again at Acquire The Fire a couple of years ago. During that ATF time, we were able to chat and have an interview recorded, which I will hopefully figure out how to post. During this interview I asked Phil a few questions about Deliberate Kids, and thanked him for how the first DK album had impacted my family. I congratulated him on the Dove nomination, and we talked about his passion for instilling God's word into the hearts of God's people, from the oldest to the youngest.
The Adventure You Were Born For is another fabulous reminder for kids and parents. The two DK cds are ones that I often "forget" to turn off once the children leave the car.
Now, we downloaded our copy from Itunes, so I do not have the cd I am going off memory with all of this info.
Your Love is a Song starts off the cd. This song has my whole family (ususally in the car) worshipping at the top of our lungs. Its catchy and upbeat. "Your Love is a song that I can sing...whoa uhh ohh...In everything."
This song reminds us to praise God in all kinds of weather...sunshine and rain.
Be Number One,
has actually been on one of Phil's solo albums (the first, I believe) and was written (if I remember correctly) when he was 17. I adore what Phil has done with this version of it. It seems he sped it up and spiced it up a little for DK 2.
Don't Forget To Remember
features the Supertones and certainly has the Supertones sound and feel.
"Jesus is the way, the Truth and the Life,
ain't no other way to get it right
you know I got that right
ya got that right
He's got the best ideas if ya follow through
cuz he knows you better than you know you..."
...We will not forget thanks to the catchy lyrics and ska beats and trumpets. WOOT...this song is a blast!
The Armor Of God
is one of my favorite songs on this album. Based on Ephesians 6, this song..reminds us all to dress appropriately for each day. I love the sound and fun of this song. Phil does a bit of a pirate voice....we rock out to this song and my youngest son, Cean (key-ian) is all over putting his armor on. In fact, we had a nice discussion about his armor this morning. You see, as with all kids, he was being attacked. He told me not to waste my time with him, and that he was a complete failure. what was my response..."Uh oh... you let and arrow slip through your shield." We proceeded to talk about what God has to say about Cean. And all the while..this song was playing in Cean's head. Yay God..and thanks Phil!
The Adventure You Were Born For
... walking with and God walking with you...this song is one of a few that has a bit of a Newsboys feel. I do believe this is one that I hear Peter Furler's voice on. (I could be wrong...I don't have the cd cover to refer to-but I doubt it) What I like most about this that it reminds both kids and parents of our purpose in life...Walking with God and God walking with us... nothing better!!!
The next track, has an old school feel to it which took me back a actually reminds me of some demos of bands I listened to in my teen has that feel to it.
"You will not be tempted beyond what you can handle..."
I love the scripture quoted...and I know I am being a little illusive with this song...I want you to hear it for yourself...and let it stick in your mind the way it does mine.
Ahh...The Ice Cream Song
is next...the family favorite. Thanks to this song, I now owe Caitlyn and Chloe some ice cream!! Ever have trouble memorizing the books of the Old Testament? This song helps parents as well as kids memorize ALL the books!! Yes, I was nervous about trying...but just like my children..I am well on my way to having all the books down pat!!
Phil's daughter Phynley (sorry if I spelled her name wrong) starts us off with Strong and Courageous. Caitlyn hits the RAWR for Daniel's part of this song everytime. This song actually reminds me of Dare to be a Daniel
Right Here With You
is a beautiful reminder of how God is with us all the time. Personally I love hearing this song. At a time when becoming debt free is foremost in our minds, I am often stressed out over our finances. ...This song reminds me that God is right here with me now. The sound of this song is a breath of fresh air and in moments of stress, allows my heart to settle...and just breath. God is so good to give us what we need...when we need it.
Beautiful Life
is my favorite song on this album. We recently watched The Bucket List. And I can honestly say at 36, I have a beautiful life, other than having my family around me, there is nothing more I want to accomplish, see or do before God calls me home. I am simple I suppose, but this song is another breath of fresh air and allows me to be thankful for where I am, what I have...knowing that through all the heartache and struggle...I really do have a beautiful life...and I am so thankful!!! Hearing Phil's children on this song make it sincerely wonderful. It ends the album on a perfect note.
This cd puts life into perspective for me. It brings my heart into a place of true thanksgiving and worship. I am not exactly sure if that was its initial intention, but I believe this album has and will accomplish much in the lives of its listeners. This album was a gift to us. In a time when we are spending nothing extra, we just "happened" to find and unused ITunes gift card. I LOVE the way God works!!
If you have children, you need this album...that is all there is to it. One day we will get the devotional available on the dk website...but for now, we will rock out and give our praise to our LORD!!
I have a fussy off I go~
Be blessed!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Ramblings about today.
Today, all but my baby head back to school. I am conflicted. I am sad on one hand as I will miss them, but I am also looking forward to getting used to a new, more structured schedule. Me, being the scheduling challenged adult that I am, need external forces to guide my day, apparently.
One thing that I am exceedingly excited about is getting my quiet time back. Try as I may, I am not naturally an early riser...and trying to find some quiet during the day with 5 active children was virtually impossible over the summer. The school year, is a different story...
So, this morning, I read Psalm 2. While some may see this Psalm as "fire and brimstone" I see God's love...and dare I say it...JEALOUSY for us. Ohhh....I know what it feels like to be jealous. I know what it is to feel threatened that my love may not be returned. I know what it is to fear being hurt. I know what it is to try and prove my love to someone through my actions. God feels this for me? Really...this big God who created the heavens and the earth...seriously?
Look at carefully at your life. Here I will give you a minute:
Can you see it?
You know, that time you felt conflicted over a that possibly went against, what you know God wants for you?
Or maybe you don't know what God necessarily wants for you, but there was that one time, when something terrible should have happened and it didn't...
Or what if it did? As you lay weeping, was God weeping for you? With you?
I say, indeed He was.
What about that one decision you made that caused you so much pain...that you wanted to die...yeah...with you then too...what you felt as weakness...was actually God's strength...holding you...holding me.
How do I know?
For a long time, I didn't.
But then, I took the time. I took the time to seek God out. Yes, creation, nature, the stars, they all point to him, but to really get it, I took the time Yup...this is where the Bible comes in.
For some, the Bible is a life line, for some, its a boring history book. Yet, for me, this book is ALIVE!
God meets me here, in this book. Today, in Psalm 2, I was reminded of His jealous love for me. Can you imagine...someone who knows my very thoughts, ya..even THOSE thoughts, loves me enough to feel jealous of THOSE thoughts and things that pull me away.
This is when I proclaim...OH MY GOD!!!! Yes, the proper use of OMG comes to play here! =)
I guess what my heart is overflowing with at this point is thankfulness. I have a glimpse of where and who I would be if it were not for giving in to this Jealous God...and I am so glad I am not there.
Where there would be bitterness, I now have joy and peace.
Purity has replaced immorality through Jesus' blood.
My thought life is filtered, through the Holy Spirit, which affects my tongue.
My attitude is transformed. I understand that things are not simply done to hurt a mess left in the kitchen, or a forgotten birthday...this gives me grace.
Far from perfect, I am working on all the above, but JOY feels so much better than hopelessness...and i will take that any and everyday!!
Have you found your JOY?
Have you been looking?
Maybe...its been waiting for you...for a long time.
(whispered...) pick up THE BOOK
With much Love and Joy...
One thing that I am exceedingly excited about is getting my quiet time back. Try as I may, I am not naturally an early riser...and trying to find some quiet during the day with 5 active children was virtually impossible over the summer. The school year, is a different story...
So, this morning, I read Psalm 2. While some may see this Psalm as "fire and brimstone" I see God's love...and dare I say it...JEALOUSY for us. Ohhh....I know what it feels like to be jealous. I know what it is to feel threatened that my love may not be returned. I know what it is to fear being hurt. I know what it is to try and prove my love to someone through my actions. God feels this for me? Really...this big God who created the heavens and the earth...seriously?
Look at carefully at your life. Here I will give you a minute:
Can you see it?
You know, that time you felt conflicted over a that possibly went against, what you know God wants for you?
Or maybe you don't know what God necessarily wants for you, but there was that one time, when something terrible should have happened and it didn't...
Or what if it did? As you lay weeping, was God weeping for you? With you?
I say, indeed He was.
What about that one decision you made that caused you so much pain...that you wanted to die...yeah...with you then too...what you felt as weakness...was actually God's strength...holding you...holding me.
How do I know?
For a long time, I didn't.
But then, I took the time. I took the time to seek God out. Yes, creation, nature, the stars, they all point to him, but to really get it, I took the time Yup...this is where the Bible comes in.
For some, the Bible is a life line, for some, its a boring history book. Yet, for me, this book is ALIVE!
God meets me here, in this book. Today, in Psalm 2, I was reminded of His jealous love for me. Can you imagine...someone who knows my very thoughts, ya..even THOSE thoughts, loves me enough to feel jealous of THOSE thoughts and things that pull me away.
This is when I proclaim...OH MY GOD!!!! Yes, the proper use of OMG comes to play here! =)
I guess what my heart is overflowing with at this point is thankfulness. I have a glimpse of where and who I would be if it were not for giving in to this Jealous God...and I am so glad I am not there.
Where there would be bitterness, I now have joy and peace.
Purity has replaced immorality through Jesus' blood.
My thought life is filtered, through the Holy Spirit, which affects my tongue.
My attitude is transformed. I understand that things are not simply done to hurt a mess left in the kitchen, or a forgotten birthday...this gives me grace.
Far from perfect, I am working on all the above, but JOY feels so much better than hopelessness...and i will take that any and everyday!!
Have you found your JOY?
Have you been looking?
Maybe...its been waiting for you...for a long time.
(whispered...) pick up THE BOOK
With much Love and Joy...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
DCNewsboys Talk???
Its been a while since this has really been news. Yes, Peter Furler left the Newsboys. It seems like yesterday that Phil Joel also left, but alas...time flies quickly when you are raising children.
I have to confess, I have a thing for the Newsboys. They have gotten me through some pretty tough times. They have inspired me to Thrive, and be strong in my Lord. I have invited the Lord's Presence into my home and even my car through their music. I have had a car full of kids rockin out to much so that the singing was louder than the cd. We have danced to the Disco and worshipped the one who Reigns. We have even on a couple of occasions met the Newsboys, The first time was on the Adoration tour with Rebecca St. James and Jeremy Camp. It was Peter Furler who found us looking lost and showed us the way to the backstage area. He left quite an impression on our family, as did Phil. Needless to say, we were sad to see them go.
I was unsure what would happen to the Newsboys. It was obvious they were not the same after Phil left, what would happen now?
Flash Back!!
July 2005
Recently saved, Amy and long haired rocker husband Clay enter a Christian store. Guy opens door, looks at Clay and says.."Dude...DCTalk!! That was that. Christian music entered our lives for the first time, Jesus Freak was our introduction. Until then, we had no idea. It was the first time I looked at the Christian life and said..."I think I can do this"
July 1997
Spirit West Coast
Newsboys (Thursday)
DCTalk (Friday)
We missed Newsboys that year, but DCTalk blew us out of the water. The energy of these guys...the quality of the music...WOW.
Fast Forward to present day
Michael Tait of DCTalk leads Newsboys??...Curious.
My first thought "He's not Peter Furler"
...and ya know what? He's not...He's Michael Tait!!!
He's got the vocals to pull off just about any sound. He's got the energy to carry a show for hours. He's got the moves to bring out the funk in ya. He's got the attitude to bring 26,000 people not only to their feet, but he can also lead them to their knees.
This is the second act!!!
This is the new Newsboys!!!
I have to confess, I have a thing for the Newsboys. They have gotten me through some pretty tough times. They have inspired me to Thrive, and be strong in my Lord. I have invited the Lord's Presence into my home and even my car through their music. I have had a car full of kids rockin out to much so that the singing was louder than the cd. We have danced to the Disco and worshipped the one who Reigns. We have even on a couple of occasions met the Newsboys, The first time was on the Adoration tour with Rebecca St. James and Jeremy Camp. It was Peter Furler who found us looking lost and showed us the way to the backstage area. He left quite an impression on our family, as did Phil. Needless to say, we were sad to see them go.
I was unsure what would happen to the Newsboys. It was obvious they were not the same after Phil left, what would happen now?
Flash Back!!
July 2005
Recently saved, Amy and long haired rocker husband Clay enter a Christian store. Guy opens door, looks at Clay and says.."Dude...DCTalk!! That was that. Christian music entered our lives for the first time, Jesus Freak was our introduction. Until then, we had no idea. It was the first time I looked at the Christian life and said..."I think I can do this"
July 1997
Spirit West Coast
Newsboys (Thursday)
DCTalk (Friday)
We missed Newsboys that year, but DCTalk blew us out of the water. The energy of these guys...the quality of the music...WOW.
Fast Forward to present day
Michael Tait of DCTalk leads Newsboys??...Curious.
My first thought "He's not Peter Furler"
...and ya know what? He's not...He's Michael Tait!!!
He's got the vocals to pull off just about any sound. He's got the energy to carry a show for hours. He's got the moves to bring out the funk in ya. He's got the attitude to bring 26,000 people not only to their feet, but he can also lead them to their knees.
This is the second act!!!
This is the new Newsboys!!!
The title track Born Again is somewhat symbolic. The band has been born again in a sense...and Michael Tait is no longer a solo artist. ...Gonna tell you what I believe...This is what it is, this is who I am....I met the one with two scared hands...Given Him the best of, everything thats left of, the life inside this man...I've been born again.
While I enjoy every song on this album I think my two faves would have to be When the Boys Light Up and the track immediately following Build Us Back. Light Up is exactly what you expect from the Newsboys. Its fun to rock out to, sounds great really loud in the car, has solid lyrics...and a great harmony mid song and is wonderfully catchy. (great hooks guys) As always it gives God all the credit...Build us Back, I love for personal reasons. I can't tell you how many times God has built me back. He has restored me unto himself...I think most recently this applies to my marriage. We hit a rough spot as all marriages do...but I can say with out a doubt, while our foundations may have been shaken, we have been built back with precious stones. This song reminds me of Isaiah 60-61.
I love how the band acknowledges the history that DCTalk and the Newsboys share by including Jesus Freak on this album. It has been tweaked a little...but its still and always will be a classic.
Knowing the camaraderie that DCTalk and Newsboys have shared throughout the bands lifetimes, having Michael Tait take the baton as passed by Peter Furler seems natural. It takes some getting used to, I mean I have grown up spiritually with Peter has the frontman of Newsboys...but this Newsgirl certainly approves!! This album is fairly new...and I am already looking forward to the next one. After seeing The Boys live recently...OHHH...I can say without a shadow of a doubt, this band is NOT fading away!!!
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