Monday, April 25, 2011

Little Update.

So, it seems everytime I strive to keep this little thing up to date... I get busy. I suppose it's not too hard to understand. 5 kids...and now with the certainty of homeschooling next's bound to get busier...But I do, very much like the idea of what am I to do?
Well, I fell off the raw food wagon. I know I need to get back on. I have noticed a difference in how I feel...and how I look. I have only gained back 2-3 pounds eating the SAD (standard american diet) but I feel ... awful. First and foremost, the pain of endometriosis has returned. NOT FUN!!
I did get a new juicer in December...its almost dead I won't bother to mention too much about it. I do need a REAL one. I am looking at a Champion. My dehydrator is also about gone. It seems it takes so long to dehydrate some things, they actually spoil in the dehydration process. YUCK.
Clarissa is now a year old. The year has gone by so quickly, its hard to comprehend. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being at home with her. I am blessed to be able to stay home. I thank God everyday for the ability to make it work. She is really starting to talk ...and walk for that matter. She cruises the furniture like a pro. Technically, I think she can take steps...she is just a little too timid to let go. I don't mind. The longer she wants to hold my hand, the better in my opinion. She is a good eater, and I have not yet found it in me to give her milk. She is still nursing and she loves apple, zucchini and cucumber slices. I have found some wonderfully yummy organic whole milk yogurt that she loves mixed with oatmeal.
The kids are growing like weeds. Cody is now taller than Chloe. (We knew it was only a matter of time) And Cean is quickly catching up to Cait (he is almost 3 years her junior)
I am looking forward to having all the children home. I believe we have been called to homeschool. I have been praying for it for a number of years, and feel blessed to have be able to actually do it. Don't get me wrong. I know it will be tough...but, with my eyes on the Lord... it will all be worthwhile. We will be going through Umpqua Valley Christian for our homeschool. They keep records and provide grading and curriculum materials. We will be supplementing what get from them with Saxon Math and some spectrum language arts work books. Friday's will be science experiment let me know if you have some creative experiments that work for multiple ages.
I didn't post any pictures in this post...mostly because everything new is on my facebook, and with my phone dead...I have missed many an opportunity to take pictures. =( Hopefully I will get a new one soon!
I know this has been a ramble...I suppose I am just catching up. I will do my best to keep these coming so that I might actually share more of what God has been doing in our lives.
... I suppose I shall never forget to
Rock THE Life...
<3 A

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