Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2008 What??

Oh my Goodness. December was such a whirlwind, it's hard to believe that Christmas is over. It feels like I blinked and it was over. Cody's basketball season ended on the 19th; our 14th wedding anniversary, on Thursday, Clay and I spent the day together, Friday the children got out of school for Christmas break...and it is all a blur from there. I know we had a wonderful and blessed Christmas. (forgot the camera...so no pics...sorry) and New Years was uneventful...Clay and I are such nerds, that we stayed up until 4am playing World of Warcraft! What a blast that game is!

School is now back in session, and I am finding it nice to be back in the normal routine. I enjoy the having the children at home, though. I think the children are missing vacation about now...homework...

As I said in an earlier post...Chloe gets 2 of the baby rats that were born at our house. So, over vacation, they got to leave their mama and come home. Snowball and Tootsie seem to enjoy being here. Thankfully, they don't mind being handled by young children. They certainly get plenty of love.

The children were blessed with some new clothes for Christmas. Cait is loving her new outfits, as is Chloe, but she is at basketball practice at the moment, and I haven't had the change to get a picture of her in her new clothes. Cait was ready for her close up this morning, however. She has her hair crimped from the french braid my friend Keri put in her hair...she was loving the camera...too funny!. (check out her pose...done natually w/ no coaching, don'tcha know...) I hope the pic rotates...

nope- but you get the point.

Sigh. I feel better that I have posted a small update...I could go much longer, but its time to get dinner going. I have to have it ready when Chloe and Clay get home from bball.

I really hope you all had a wonderful CHRISTmas holiday, and that the new year finds you well and filled with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God Bless.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on your anniversary!! What an accomplishment! I hear ya about the holidays (specifically the part with the kids being out of school....) being a blur. I love Christmas and hate when I feel rushed, but it's hard not to feel some stress with 5 kids. Merry late Christmas!