This was the question asked of me by my Lord last week. At that moment, I was not ready. I was not ready for the work of interceding, for the work my home needed, and sadly, I was not ready for the work of mothering. What HAD me bound?
Fear and lies.
Fear that it would be too hard, and that I would fail. My King answered me..."If I am with you, who can be against you?" I WAS afraid of facing the emotional work of it all, for at the moment, I felt emotionally drained already..How faithful our Lord is to give rest for the soul and renew our strength and resolve!
The enemy fought back..."Your hormones are messed up because of endometriosis, you can't handle any more"
"You can't do a lot of physical work right now because of your pain"
"You don't deserve healing"
L I E S (did you hear me scream that?)
In my moment of weakness, my Lord had me call a wonderful encouraging, STRONG, friend. Oh, how the Lord used her to build me up! Even still I remember her words, and the Lord uses them to encourage me. Do you know what she said to me when, for the first time, I spoke the lies enemy had been saying to me for a long time?
"NO!" She declared! "WHAT DID HE DIE FOR THEN? WHY ALL THAT BLOOD? NO!" (she stood in authority for me, when I had forgotten I had that authority through Christ myself-wow! God is good) JESUS DIED FOR YOU, AMY...DON'T STAND FOR THAT RUBBISH!!! That is what it is, you know." she said a little softer.
Yeah! I know. I wonder, sometimes how I ended up that challenged. But, I am not dwelling on that, I am moving forward!
The day after, I began interceding for a friends marriage. I fasted during the day for them, lifting them up, praying that each one would begin to put the other first. I loved how I saw them interact when they were over to our home yesterday! For the first time in months, they were playful with one another. My heart was singing God's praises.
I have been working on the attitude in my home. Phew, this one is a challenge. You see, I let the enemy get me down...and my entire household was affected during that time...BUT NO MORE!
Whining, arguing, complaining and talking back are NOT His purposes! I am turning it around!! How? You might ask. It was something Vange said in her mothering cd set. My children have eternal attributes. Heavenly gifts. The enemy tries to steal, rob and destroy this eternal destiny they have been given. So I am speaking the destiny that God has given them, into them. Let me give you an example. My daughter, Caitlyn, has been blessed with a strong spirit. We have redefined Caitlyn to mean "Strongly filled with the Holy Spirit". She knows that it is her destiny to have the fruits of the Spirit. (Gal 5:22-23) The enemy fights back with rebellion. When Caitlyn struggles with this, I say to her "This is not who you are! You, Caitlyn, were created to be filled with the Spirit of God! God does not live in rebellion. He lives through you, in your obedience. You have a destiny to live in obedience to God, dear one. Put aside (or fight) this rebellion, and walk now in who God made you to be." You should see how fast rebellion leaves! It is wonderful!
Backing up a bit...I know how I ended up so challenged. God is good to reveal such things. Just now, I was reminded of my mindset then. During this time, I said to my husband (about keeping the house) "I feel like its one against five- and I am losing this fight to keep a tidy home" I did not seek the Lord in any of it. I was not in His Word. I was trying to do it ALONE- in my own power! Hello, my own power??? DUH! :o)
I love the way my Lord reminds me of who I am in Him. I know he does this for you...in the way He knows how to speak especially to your heart. For me, it is a reminder of my heritage. Did you know that Amy means beloved? It is the feminine of David...a man after God's own heart! I will take that! Looking at my life, and reading about David...I can see some similarities...I can rest in that! We know by his account that David certainly was human, and I comforted by his sins and his moments of weakness. He was human...just like me...sinful, just like me, and he loved God...and most of all- God loved him back! Yeah...through it all....GOD LOVES ME BACK!!! Wait...not just back...GOD LOVED ME FIRST!!!
OOH...I AM ready...Ready for the work of it!

Quinn Heros- taken in 2004